Our services include a thorough evaluation, medication management, patient education and may serve as a complement to a patient’s current treatment team. Our belief is that the patient benefits most by following the Neuro-Psychiatric evaluation with a dynamic and in-depth plan of action which will help patients recover faster. The patient's family members are included in the treatment by educating them about the illness and their vital role in ensuring treatment compliance and regular followup checkups as adviced.
Mood Disorders:
Bipolar Disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder
Suicide Prevention
Emotional Trauma
Psychotic Disorders:
Schizoaffective disorders
Delusional Disorders
Deaddiction :
Alcohol & Canabis,
Heroine, Cocaine & other drugs
Neurological & Elderly Modalities
Epilepsy, Stroke, Dementia, Parkinsons Disorder,
Migraine. Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis

Child & Adolescent
Conduct Disorder
TV / Internet Addiction
Academic Decline
Mental Retardation
Depression /Anxiety
Anger Management
Examination Stress
Attitude Problems
Temper Tantrums
Bed Wetting
Pain Management
Neurogenic Pain
Knee Pain
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Elbow Pain
Ankle / Heel Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anxiety Disorders:
Social Phobia
Generalized Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Impulse Control Disorders
Specific Phobias
Panic Disorder
Eating Disorders
Pathological Gambling